when we talk about us,

when we talk about us,
確かに存在する ”私たち” の話をするための場所です。
会期:2023.11.20(月) – 2023.12.2(土)
時間:9:00-21:00 (12.2の最終日は1階は17:00まで)

このプロジェクトは、トランスジェンダーの人々(生まれた時に割り当てられた性別ではなく、生きやすいと感じる性別や状態で生活する人)に対する差別に NO を表明することから始まりました。今年は、誰もが安心して過ごせるフリースペースを作ります。ここでは、好きな本やZINEを読むことができ、作家の山本夏綺さん、俳優の和田華子さんの作品などを鑑賞することができます。もちろん、お喋りしたり、お昼寝したり、自由に過ごすことができます。期間中は、ゲストを招いたトークイベントや、普段感じているモヤモヤを話し合う「性とジェンダーのお話会」、書籍『トランスジェンダー問題−議論は正義のために』(ショーン・フェイ 著,高井ゆと里 訳)の読書会など、様々なイベントも開催します。
🌸 11月23日(木) 13:30-15:00
性とジェンダーのお話会 ゲスト:松倉みほ子さん(手話通訳あり)
💠 11月25日(土) 15:00-17:00
ゲスト対談:高井ゆと里さん × 真木柾鷹さん(手話通訳あり)
🌻 12月2日(土) 14:00-16:00
性とジェンダーのお話会 ゲスト:依田花蓮さん(手話通訳あり)
📗 11月22日(水) 18:00-20:00
📕 11月27日(月) 18:00-20:00
📘 11月30日(木) 18:00-20:00
協力:秋田県中央男女共同参画センター、秋田市文化創造館、秋田プライウッド株式会社、 株式会社サンゲツ、LUSH
〈2階 スタジオA1/A2・3階 スタジオA3〉
「Here Comes Everybody !」

この展覧会はジェンダーを軸として、他者との違いを受け入れること、受け入れないこと、と、受け入れられないこと、をめぐる展覧会です。作家や参加者の作品、または語りを通 して、ジェンダーと身体についての考え、信条、行動パターンが異なる他者と同じ場所《ここ》に存在するための技術をともに探り、自分と他者との交差点と、自分/他者を守ること、自分/他者と支えること、について考えていきます。 作品を通して以上のテーマを提示している活躍中の8組の出展作家の作品を軸に、秋田公立美術大学の在学生、卒業生の作品も加えた展示、パフォーマンス、 ワークショップのなかで、様々な語りが行われる展覧会 です。
展覧会タイトルの「ヒア カムズ エブリバディ」は、アイルランドの作家ジェイムズ・ジョイスが、彼の有名な小説『フェネガンス・ウェイク』(1939)の全編を通じたテーマと視点を説明するために作った言葉です。 現在でも読解に様々な謎を残すこの小説は非常に実験的な作品で、濃密な言語、複雑な言葉選び、非線形の物語構造で知られています。「ヒア カムズ エブリバディ」というフレーズにも様々な解釈がありますが、本展では、この小説が示唆する、膨大な数の登場人物、多様な彼女らの声、視点を包含し、人類の集合意識、人々の相互関係に目を向けました。 ジョイスが提案した小説のありようを現時点で考えた時、複数の声、様々な言語、整わない (往々にして個人的な)物語から、その交わるところを目指し、そのために語り続けていくこと、語りをかわしていくこと、を様々な人々によって行っていきたいと考えます。
安藤 陽夏里/石原 海/板橋 なつみ/乾 真裕子/岩瀬 海/栄前田 優樹/岡崎 あかね/金川 晋吾/川田 翔子/ケルベロス・セオリー/五社 光希/小谷 真夕/佐々木 香里/佐藤 穂波/津川 沙千/中島 伽耶子/中谷 優希/ブラネン・新那・サイデ/Moche le Cendrillon/依田 碧/他
💠 11月22日(水) 16:00-17:30
会場 /A1スタジオ、他
💐 11月24日(金) 19:00~
11月25日(土) 14:00~
“Tea?” (Moche le Cendrillon × 帷子 つらね)
出品作家/ドラァグ・パフォーマーのMoche le Cendrillon(モチェ・レ・サンドリヨン)と詩人の帷子つらねによるライブパフォーマンス
会場 /スタジオA2
会場 /1Fコミュニティスペース
「Here comes Everybody!」 instagram@here_comes_everybody_2023にて更新予定
when we talk about us,
Two exhibitions and several events will be held.
We are creating a place designed to tell the story of “we” who exist here.
Dates: 2023.11.20(Mon) – 2023.12.2(Sat)
(The exhibition on the 2nd and 3rd floors will open on November 22 (Wed.); you can see
the installation on the 20th.)
Venue: Akita City Culture Creation Center (closed on Tuesdays), no parking lot
Hours: 9:00-21:00 (the last day on 12.2, the first floor closes at 17:00)
What to talk about when we talk about us
If you can talk about pain in the same way when you talk about the weather [Nice day, isn’t it?], we may have a better conversation. If we can take care of our emotions like equipping umbrellas for a rainy day and we are capable imagine other’s tears like concerning weather tomorrow.
The project began as an opposition to discrimination against transgender people. In this year, we will create a free space where everyone can feel at ease, a place where people can come and go as they please. Here you can read your favorite books and zines, view the works of artist Yamamoto Natsuki and actor Wada Hanako. Of course, you are also free to spend your time here chatting, napping, or whatever you like.
During the period, we will also hold various events such as talk events with invited guests, “Sex and Gender Talks” where we can discuss the discomfort we usually feel, and reading session of the book “TRANSGENDER ISSUE – An Argument for Justice” (written by Shon Faye, translated by Yutori Takai).
We want to value individual experiences and narratives. We also consider what kind of social issues are connected to the discomfort and bewilderment felt by individuals, and who is in the same kind of trouble. In a society where things are decided by majority rule, we aim to create a place for loose solidarity while
valuing individual pain.
💐 11/23 (Thu) 13:30-15:00
Sexuality and Gender talk session guest: Mihoko Matsukura
We’ve got Mihoko Matsukura from maricoco joining us as our guest speaker. Maricoco is an
Akita-based marriage agency that’s not just about traditional matchmaking̶they’re also LGBTQfriendly.
Let’s all get together and rethink what ‘marriage’ really means.
🏵 11/25 (Sat) 15:00-17:00
Talk event guest: Autori Takai, Masataka Masaki
This is a conversation between Yutori Takai, an ethicist and translator of “Transgender Issues-
Discussion is for Justice”(Akashi Shoten), and Masataka Masaki, president of “Sexualities and
Human Rights Network ESTO”, which has been involved in minority rights activities since 1998.
💠 12/2 (Sat) 14:00-16:00
Sexuality and Gender talk session guest:Karen Yoda
We’re excited to have Karen Yoda join us for a chat. She’s not just any politician̶she’s
been super active in standing up for the rights of sexual minorities. We’ll be diving into
some real-talk about how politics touches our everyday lives, from same-sex marriage
to laws that help us all understand each other better.
📗 11/22(Wed) 18:00-20:00
Reading Session for “Introduction to Transgender”
We’ll be chatting about the new book “Introduction to Transgender” by Akira Shuji and Yutori
Takai, published by Shueisha in 2023. Don’t worry if you haven’t read it or aren’t familiar with the topic. This reading group is all about easy-going support and learning together.
📕 11/27(Mon) 18:00-20:00
Reading Session for “Transgender Issues – Debating for Justice” #1
Kicking off our first chat about the book “Transgender Issues – Debating for Justice”, penned by
Sean Fay and translated by Yutori Takai. If you haven’t read it or don’t know much about it, that’s totally cool. This reading group is all about easy-going vibes and learning together.
📘 11/30(Thu) 18:00-20:00
Reading Session for “Transgender Issues – Debating for Justice” #2
Back for round two of our chat about the book ‘Transgender Issues – Debating for Justice’ by
Sean Fay and translated by Yutori Takai. Don’t sweat it if you haven’t read the book or aren’t up to speed on the topic. Our reading group is all about laid-back learning and sticking together.
Hosted by trunk
Website: https://sylvester-shifu.com
Supported by Akita Gender Equality Center, Akita City Cultural Creation Center, Akita Plywood
Corporation, Sangetsu Corporation, LUSH
「Here Comes Everybody !」
About the Exhibition
This exhibition revolves around the theme of gender̶accepting, not accepting, and the unacceptability of differences between oneself and others. Through the works and narratives of artists and participants, we explore techniques for co-existing in the same space, despite differing beliefs, thought patterns, and actions regarding gender and the body. Together, we will contemplate the intersections between self and others, and how to protect and support both. The exhibition features a range of dialogues presented through the artworks of eight units of contributing artists. These works form the core around which are added pieces from current students and alumni of Akita University of Art, offered through exhibits, performances, and workshops.
Unorganizable Narratives
The title of the exhibition, “Here Comes Everybody,” is a phrase coined by Irish author James Joyce to articulate the overarching theme and viewpoint that runs through his famous novel, “Finnegans Wake” (1939). Known for its experimental style, dense language, complex word choices, and non-linear narrative structure, the novel continues to puzzle readers to this day.
Various interpretations can be made of the phrase “Here Comes Everybody,” but in this exhibition, we focus on the myriad characters, their diverse voices and perspectives that the novel implies, turning our attention to collective human consciousness and interpersonal relationships. When considering the novel as Joyce intended in today’s context, we aim to highlight the intersection of multiple voices, various languages, and ‘unorganizable’ (often personal) narratives. We intend to continue telling and exchanging these narratives through diverse individuals.
〈Participating Artists〉
Hikari Ando / Umi Ishihara / Natsumi Itabashi / Mayuko Inui / Umi Iwase / Yuki Eimaeda / Akane
Okazaki / Shingo Kanagawa / Shoko Kawada / Cerberus Theory / Mitsuki Gosha / Mayu Kotani / Kaori Sasaki / Honami Sato / Sachi Tsugawa / Kayako Nakajima / Yuki Nakaya / Niina Saide
Brannen / Moche le Cendrillon / Aoi Yoda / and others
No registration required.
💠 11/22 (Wed) 16:00-17:30
Artist Talk
Exhibiting artists will talk about their activities.
Venue: Studio A1 and others.
💐 11/25 (Sat)
“Tea?” (Moche le Cendrillon × Tsurane Katabira)
Live performance by Moche le Cendrillon, an artist and a drag performer, and Tsurane Katabira,
a poet.
Venue: A2 Studio
*Exhibition and event information will be updated on “Here Comes Everybody!”